No matter whether you’re leading a church, a ministry, or just your family, we all want the people we lead to experience real, lasting transformation in their lives.
But do your efforts just seem to get shipwrecked, like you’re going nowhere?
One small church pastor put it like this: We’ve tried the new “thing”, but every activity in the church seems challenging for people to reimagine: “We tried that. I don’t think anyone will come. They’re not church-people. We were taken advantage of … ” are all strong sentiments. No one’s against change … it’s just when you’ve been trying for 20 years without “blow your socks off, tell the denomination, build a new building” type success, folks grow weary.
We too have felt the weight, fatigue, and frustrations that come from non-transformational leadership. How can we learn to truly make disciples and lead like Jesus?
Our journey was one of trial and error, we endeavored to find maturity in ourselves, to work on our own messiness, and then to understand how growth unfolded so as we could lead others as well. We were stumbling on a way of leading that was life-giving, not life-depleting.
As we coached others, they began to see the difference in their lives, work situations and churches. We were seeing the same kind of growth in their lives and leadership that we had seen in our own lives.
Emotionally Healthy Leadership
Our leadership coaching is grounded on being intentional about growing others up in their maturity in an emotionally healthy way. Our focus then is on restoring your intuition and equipping you with knowledge as to what is needed for this maturation to unfold. In doing this we inevitably work on our own messiness as part of the process. The insights we share are intuitive and reproducible. By definition, when we grow in maturity it applies to all of our lives.
We also provide some examples of how to lead, and act as a sounding board for your ideas for leading with the goal of seeing maturity develop in others.
Join us on this journey of learning to lead like Jesus, and making disciples.
What’s the investment for coaching?
- COMMITMENT: 60 minutes each session to participate in a video call. You will also be able to connect with your coach through Messenger or WhatsApp. We’ll spend time with you on issues you might want to address “offline”. We also recommend that you choose a package. By choosing a package this builds commitment, develops relationships and helps us to focus on goals.
Introduction call | We will explore if this is a good fit for you and how we might best serve you. |
3 sessions | Great for exploring one or two smaller challenges. |
6 session | A good start to exploring emotionally healthy leadership, and the framework that we use. |
12 sessions | A deeper dive into how emotionally healthy leadership might look in your situation. |
- PRICE PER SESSION: $80 SUGGESTED DONATION. There is no commitment for the first session, and continuing sessions are by donation.
- COURAGE: to be honest and vulnerable. For this reason, we are looking for leaders who want to change something in their lives, and who are open to exploring spiritual formation from a different perspective. We are 100% confident if you put the time into this process it will transform your ministry.
- FOLLOW THE PROCESS: Our coaching is dynamic and flexable. We often begin with some Training where we’ll establish a framework by which we can move forward together. We complement this with Mentoring where we will explore some practical examples together. As we progress, you will naturally identify some of your challenges and together we come up with some ideas that you can try. We also offer Consulting if you wish us to review your own programs, or Spiritual Direction as a time to hear from GOD.

1. Join us online.
Follow us on our leadership Facebook page, where we post shareable leadership resources and ideas.